by | Jul 11, 2016 | Environment, Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana, Michel Varisco, Michel Varisco Art, Michel Varisco Artist, Mississippi River, New Orleans, New Orleans Art, New Orleans Artist, Public Art, Site Specific Installation, Turning, Uncategorized
“Turning” has image/maps of the Mississippi river in three different phases which are being cut with a high velocity stream of water and garnet powder at a fabrication studio right beside the Mississippi River. Map by Kate Orff / SCAPE from Petrochemical America...
by | Jul 10, 2016 | Biennials, Climate Change, Contemporary Art, Environment, Louisiana, Michel Varisco, Michel Varisco Art, Michel Varisco Artist, New Orleans, New Orleans Art, New Orleans Artist, Public Art, Time Lapse, Turning, Video
Creating one of the 3 mosaics as a base for the “Turning sculpture (prayer wheels)” with Italian porcelain. The pattern is of the Mississippi River creating new land over thousands of years (from the Fisk Maps of 1944). Each mosaic weighs about 200 lbs as finished...
by | Jul 9, 2016 | Biennials, Climate Change, Contemporary Art, Environment, Louisiana, Michel Varisco, Michel Varisco Art, Michel Varisco Artist, Mississippi River, New Orleans, New Orleans Art, New Orleans Artist, Public Art, Turning
The wild Mississippi River detail from “Turning” prayer wheels sculpture.. #turning #livingwithwater #mississippiriver #michelvarisco
by | Jul 9, 2016 | Climate Change, Contemporary Art, Environment, Michel Varisco, Michel Varisco Art, Michel Varisco Artist, Mississippi River, New Orleans, New Orleans Art, New Orleans Artist, Prospect4, Public Art, Turning
Here’s a sneak peak at engraving and waterjet cut details in progress “Turning sculpture” #lafittegreenway #livingwithwater
by | May 15, 2016 | AerialPhotography, ClimateChangePhotography, EnvironmentalPhotography, Michel Varisco, Michel Varisco Art, Michel Varisco Artist, New Orleans, New Orleans Art, New Orleans Artist, News, Performance, Photography
NPR featured a story from an earlier interview for a nationwide theatrical performance on WATER+/- featuring “Edge of the Marshes” image.
by | May 15, 2016 | Climate Change, Contemporary Art, Environment, Gallery, Group Exhibitions, Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana, Michel Varisco, Michel Varisco Art, Michel Varisco Artist, New Orleans, New Orleans Art, New Orleans Artist, News, Photography, Wetlands
Goodchildren Gallery hosted the Story of Water video as part of the Wetlands Art Tour along with photographic work by Elizabeth Shannon. Above is a sculpture by Aaron McNamee and a still by Varisco...