Birds on WireFragile Land SeriesCity Park #1Fragile Land SeriesCityparkFragile Land SeriesCypressesFragile LandsPremonitionFragile Land SeriesFairy TreeFragile LandsCut treeFragile LandsTall and Short treesFragile Land Series3 TreesFragile LandsLeaning TreeFragile LandsMandalaFragile Land SeriesMarshland BonesFragile Land SeriesPalmettoFragile LandsRibbonFragile Land SeriesFragile LandSite Specific Installation commissioned by the Arts Council of New Orleans on behalf of the Joan Mitchell FoundationFragile Land RotundaSite Specific Installation commissioned by the Arts Council of New Orleans on behalf of the Joan Mitchell FoundationBasketFragile LandsJunctureFragile LandsLakeview TreeFragile LandsLeCielhesFragile LandsNestFragile LandsSongbirdsFragile LandsThis Being HumanFragile Lands